Thursday, May 12, 2011

First day jitters!

I swear my first day back in college was like being in high school again. The first day and it's jitters...ugh!
So I was so excited to be back in school finally, doing something I believe I am really going to enjoy doing. It's been a while since I have been in a classroom where I wasn't getting after students (I work at a high school-AP secretary).
This is my last week at the high school, so I am doing a split shift. I hoped to get out of there by 9:45 but received an important phone call and I had to take it. So now, it's 9:55 and I gots to go!
I go by the house, totally unprepared to pick up my book bag, my books, and phone. Class starts at 10:30... and I am on the way.
I drive and some stupid person pulls in front of me on a road of 60mph and is going slower than molasses... what the .... ugh! I'm gonna be late! So I say a quick prayer for patience and understanding... after all the class will still be there, hours are 1030-315.
Wow, the clouds are awfully dark, hope it doesn't rain yet. Please, Please, Please just wait until I am IN the building! PLEASE!
So i finally make it to the college and wow, the rain has stayed away just long enough for me to get in the building...yay me! freakin' ass parking! Oh wow, finally! It's in BFE, but hey it's a parking spot. Five minutes to go... I open the door and


The rain POURS, I mean LITERALLY POURS down as if someone poured a cooler of ice cold water over my head. Dammit, I quickly shut the door. WAIT, I have an umbrella somewhere... (and if you know me, you know there is practically a jungle in my vehicle). THINK Stephanie, think. Where is it???
So I throw back the driver's seat, crawl to the 2nd row seats and plop down. Looking, looking, nope, dammit, I can't find it! Frustrated, I kick the stuff on the floor...the kid's CRAP!
OOOOH, there it is... I get the 'brella and try open the door on the left side, RAIN, nothing but RAIN... pouring down in a side sweep throwing my door open and practically taking my arm off. SHUT THE DOOR..... shit, what am I gonna do? So I get the 'brella, partially open it and am ready to attack! Throw the door open, thrust the 'brella out, and get under it, pulling my huge ass book bag.
NOT EVEN TWO STEPS.....already, am SOAKED. I turn to the Durango, and grab the towel I had seen.
Running, running, and SLIDE... shit I almost fell on my ass... THIS IS SO NOT THE FIRST DAY I PICTURED!
Finally make it to the building... pants soaked so much that my undies are too; my shirt? totally soaked for the exception of my RIGHT side (arm ONLY), back...soaked. DAMMIT.. really, I have to walk in there looking like this? sheeeesh! not a happy camper. Dry myself off as much as possible and I trek up the stairs... hell at least it felt like i was climbing up a mountain.
One step, two step, and finally there's the class.
I walk straight in, no eye contact, no eye contact... how embarrassing...soaked literally to the bone... walking in with my huge book bag, umbrella, and TOWEL... wth? EMBARRASSING!
A quick look up, and the second row, there's a seat, second to the last. AAAH...finally, I made it!


I begin to look around after getting the guy next to me wet, NOT KNOWING, i was rubbin' all up on him with my wet arm... yeah, he let me know.... "so yeah, it's pouring outside?", "yes" i say. "pouring down". "yeah, i guess so (as he brushes the water off HIS ARM). ahhh hell...blush a bit, "sorry". smile, smile, all cordial, i get towel, and dry off a bit more. EMBARRASSING!
I begin to look around again, and oh dang, look, he has the wrong book, Microbiology! HEH! Ummm, wait, she has the wrong book too....Microbiology, and the guy next to me? Microbiology... panic starts to set in, OH SHIT.... girl next to me...MICRO-BIOLOGY! "ummm, excuse me, is this Microbiology?" "yes, it is". Smack my head. "oh wow, are you in A&P? they moved to another room."
Shit! Gather my things and squish on out and look at the door I so absentmindedly walked past and read the SIGN! Moved to S205!
Finally I make it in, 20 minutes late!!!


Tomorrow has to be better!

sas 06.07.10

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