Saturday, February 1, 2014

A blog about absolutely NOTHING!

One would think that me being an insomniac, I would be more productive with my time.  Sadly, I am not.  Often I lay in bed WISHING I was asleep. WISHING I could just fall asleep. I can usually go 2-3 days without sleep. I tend to get a little crabby by midday of day 3. I have medication that I can take, but I am so stubborn that I refuse to take it on the daily. :( No bueno!
My insomnia is not as bad as it has been in the past. I usually only go through spells of insomnia now, so that is better, no? I actually laid down and started to watch a show on the lappy (laptop) and only realized I had fallen asleep when my phone revealed I had received a message. Only 20 minutes have passed. Yay for sleep....NOT!!!! Now I am wide awake and will be for some time now. Too late for meds, but dangit, my eyes are burning. So, now I write. About absolutely nothing and everything.
Ever have THOSE days? Where everything crosses your mind and you wonder about this and that? But really, it's all nonsense? You make mental to do lists, but never cross anything off. Or may even write one down, yet still it doesn't get done.
*I* need a to do list *FOR* my to do list :).
I started this year off in a really great place. My momentum has slowed down some but I am still heading in the right direction...mostly! My biggest obstacle is procrastination and I truly believe that I am getting better at it.  (well on most days). Remember earlier I mentioned you would think I would be productive. I SHOULD be packing up and moving stuff into the new apartment the girls and I were so anxiously awaiting. But dangit my afternoon sucked and I am tired. So, I chose to be here instead. *rolls eyes* I really should pack...well... more like move it into the new apt (that is just in another building. A building that takes 2 minutes to walk to) *sigh* I will squeeze in the time tomorrow. But we have a college thing for Myra in the A.M. and then Monster Jam in the evening! No time and rain is in the forecast! YUCK!
So....I got off track. As if that's new news. SMH!!  I was about to say, my year started off great. With so much loss my family and I faced in 2013, I figured the only way to go this year is UP! In my faith, finances, health, family, and hopefully, love. :) <3
I wanted to start blogging at least once a week....well, this procrastination thing kinda stuck me and hard...but hey it's only taken me 4 weeks to do it...could have been longer. I could have waited until next year :D  So yay me for starting it. Now to keep up!
I know I have done nothing but rambled, but eh! you are still here reading, so at the very least you find it mildly amusing .... or maybe just sad.  Poor thing, you have nothing better to do either?! or maybe, just maybe, you are a procrastinator, too?? What is it that you should being doing right now, this minute? Awww, I bet your head is tilted a little the left pitying me. lol. I found myself doing it!  Maybe you are nodding with a smile because you soooo can relate!?  :D
Anyway, I hope you come back from time to time and read my nonsense. This year has so much going on and I need an outlet. Why not be amused, angered, saddened, possibly in love, but mostly, why not share in my laughter and good humor. I have kick ass stories! My children are my muse. Love me some Tyler, Myra and Kassie!!!
So, grab a drink, get snuggly and proceed to read. Share a thought or two!! But don't make it long winded, there is only room for one long winded person in this blog, and that be me!!
Love to all, SAS!!! <3

1 comment:

  1. Crazy girl! I look forward to reading your "nonsense" :) As for procrastinating, I am notorious for it. But unlike you, I really don't think there is hope for me in that department. I've just accepted it and moved on. HA!
