Wednesday, February 5, 2014


No, silly, this isn't a blog on the proper way to skip or why one would skip, although, have you ever wondered how a person figured out how to skip. I bet you they were walking and were clumsy and tripped over their feet and just decided to call it skipping so as not to look super silly. What do you think? But why call it skipping? You don't actually *skip* a step, you are more like jumping instead. Hold on let me try it, brb.
Adults really, really look super silly skipping. Don't think I will be doing it again on purpose. Just doesn't look right. LOL
Anywho, skipping...I skipped class last night. It's gonna be hell trying to catch up. But my impatience won over my self discipline. I arrived to the college 25 minutes early specifically to find parking. Seems like EVERYONE was there early trying to find parking. Sucks to see someone heading towards the parking lot. You wait and see what direction they head. You rev up your engine just  lil and BAM!!!  The stalking begins.
You creepily follow them hitting your brakes occasionally just waiting for them to get to their car.
Wait what????? Oh heck no, she is STILL walking. Waaay over there, but the building I need is in the other direction. Crap, now I will have to keep driving. Around and around and around!  Oh there's one, nope someone's waiting. Ooooh another!!! Awww crap, that one's taken too. Geeez, it's almost 7:00. I hate being late. I continue driving, get more frustrated by the minute. Kept thinking to myself, actually no I kept yelling out loud, "oooh girl, you gonna make me go to jail."  Kept playing chicken for parking the ENTIRE time.
We both would go forward just a bit wondering who was going to take the spot. I give up. Ain't trying to get into a wreck and am certainly not trying to get my blood pressure any higher!
I look at the stupid clock and ah hellll no! It is now 7:15p... FIFTEEN minutes late for class. Another 10-15 minutes to still find parking and the lot is FULL of peeps in the same boat as me. We are all trying to find parking! Sucks to drive around and around and see a spot but someone's already waiting for it. So you see another and try for that one, but it's taken too. Then look in your rearview mirror and see someone exiting and there's someone behind you ready to take it!! DANGIT!!! Not to mention all the gas I have wasted driving around so far!!!  Not a happy camper!
Sooooo I opted to leave and head home. On the way, stopped by Baskin & Robbins and got some ice cream to calm my nerves!
And now, I'll be playing catch up for the remainder of the week. And I am ok with that.
Yay for playing hookie!

So how was your night?!?
Until later! SAS

1 comment:

  1. Ahahaha! I've certainly been there before. This happens to me at mall parking lots. If I have to drive around over and over again, I'm leaving. Nothing in that mall is more important than my sanity. :)
